Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Garmin Marathon

hey runners, Garmin are sponsoring a bunch of races in 2007, include Chicago and the Rock and Roll 1/2 in Virginia Beach.

Through MotionBased, they are giving runners in-depth analysis and mapping for each race. You can check out street maps, topological, elevation, finishing lines, where the cheering sections are, pot holes to watch out for, where dogs are most likely to come onto the course and chase you, how far in front of the sweeper truck you will be, when they will be running out of water, and far more completely useless, irrevelent info this far before race day.

I think it would be dead cool if somehow Garmin could get a feed from our chips during the race and post them on the website. People could then track you virtually through the city, even on webphones, know much better when you are coming around the bend.

have fun.
Coach David.

1 comment:

nyflygirl said...

I know of an organization that could probably use a Garmin when measuring race courses... ;-)

Just came across this blog from somewhere...nice job!! :)